
Tuli & Savu in English

Tuli & Savu is a vibrant Finnish magazine of new poetry, which dives deeply, discusses, influences, and shines. Our goal is to be read by all poetry lovers of Finland. Tuli & Savu publishes the highlights of new Finnish poetry and showcases fascinating international poetry in translation. The magazine also offers high-quality poetry reviews, essays, and articles. The editors of Tuli & Savu are poets and professional writers. Our contributors include literary scholars, students of literature, literary critics, poets, and other interested writers.

If you are interested in offering your poems or other texts to be translated into Finnish and published in Tuli & Savu, please contact the editorial team via email: tulijasavu(at)gmail.com. Our snail mail address is Nihil Interit / Tuli & Savu, Tekstin talo, Lintulahdenkatu 3, 00530 Helsinki.

Editorial Team 2025

Chief Editors Elina Sallinen & Helmi Nöjd

General Editor Matias Loikala


Graphic design degree students, Aalto University
Website layout and creation: Leena Lahti / Lala Design


Nihil Interit ry


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